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                                       TO UNIFICATION BUILLDING OF PAPUA 

                                                                Oleh : Yulianus Bukihapai Edowai

                                    The world of Papua is Mother young lovelly heart;
                                       Allways feeding,withougth to ask,
                                       Allwaysing toleafening withougth needssery to pay,
                                       Young Him,request onllys a bit or a little,

                    Wake up eternal natural  my contry of Papua;
                     True very beautyful my natural of Papua;
                      The Land true of Papua from Land faradaises;
                       The of Papua is far to the world heaven a bit;

                                     The Land of Papua as Mother,s  a world wide;
                                    The Moorning Star all worldwide;
                                   My Natural of Papua,I, whithuth time,s line;
                                    Hai,comeng our work of Papua new;

                       The of Papua is Land  Peace young glisten;
                        The of Papua is Land to greace;
                        In order to world and man can leafening near,s for long;
                        To be unifycation heart building to rute of Papua New. <Packick/Edowai>


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