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The with communication thislike is,tobe an information abouth the situation beetwin of  people lakes proto Papuans and not yet Proto Papuans in City Jayapura-Papua now  a mount on May this,comflic subyect Holly Biblles for the Book Holly  Sipirt on Christh Mans Papuanistion. The Hot stuation beetwin mans of  like Papua and not yet liked mans,unityl that, you and me,are we all of earth world widy GODS. The young needs importing withougth to bee abouth foctor beewin,yead:
Part Farth : The beetwin mans of  true Papua and no yet mans Papuans,notings tabiath at the True Book Holli Blible,s,then it become at that.
Part Scond:  Everyone,fine mans of Papuani witoght mans yed not Papuanis,noting vetitum peace the peace by peace,in our all longs lifining the for this is,you loocking behaidde your live to home.
And Part Three: The municess aducation about values fillosofysh the book of Lows truth. Unityl the finalt become comflict beetwin you and me,the opinion  news decuion of imformation from informans.
The thabiath of peoples  mans Indonesian, not will the longs egend falt,couse by arqumentation this is the groups militerysme and police to Nation Republick is do not Strongs. As thatlike also, the sometime authority young universal but only it,from the strong.
The ruteth beautyfull is love by love beetwin Militerysme flaeg Reds of Republican,made in greetings, maked peace,stuations peace in to eyes Rigthtacht on Counstititions,couse the low is counstitutions don,t no machtaact but Rithaacth.,are you all military and police ,rembre..?. If you rembres,answers at me. 
Souch you all my people and my sould , everyone-everyboody,a million thank at see you an information in the texk then little on the new paper,about it.

Greetings  of me
The By : Yulians Bukihapai Edoway

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